Religious education is available to all the children in our parish from first grade through ninth grade. St. Mary’s Religious Education program strives to bring God’s Word and the principals of being a good Christian in today’s world to our young people. The program begins with grade 1 being taught at home by the parents with a program supplied and supervised by our Religious Ed Coordinator. Grades 2-8 meet after school, Monday through Wednesday, during the school year. Second graders receive the sacrament of Penance in the fall and the sacrament of First Holy Communion in the spring. Your child must complete our first and second grade curriculum in order to be prepared to receive First Penance and First Communion. Ninth grade classes meet monthly and conclude with the sacrament of Confirmation in the spring. Like Grade 2, students must have completed the previous grades 3-9 to receive Confirmation. Home programs are available for all grades with the exception of our sacramental years, grade two and grade nine. Please call the Religious Education Office to register your child.